
The Vivarium is a service department of the Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center. It occupies a territory of 384m2. The staff of the department includes administrative, supervisory and clerical personnel, as well as laboratory animal care technicians and support persons. The Vivarium provides for the procurement, housing, and care of the laboratory animals. 

 Facilities are available to investigators for major surgery, post-operative care, radiology.


The proper care and use of laboratory animals in research, testing, teaching, and production (animal use) require scientific and professional judgment based on the animals’ needs and their intended use.

Thus, the service endorses the following principles:

  ⇒ consideration of alternatives (in vitro systems, computer simulations, and/or mathematical models) to reduce or replace the use of animals

  ⇒  design and performance of procedures on the basis of relevance to human or animal health, advancement of knowledge, or the good of society

  ⇒  use of appropriate species, quality, and number of animals

  ⇒  avoidance or minimization of discomfort, distress, and pain

  ⇒ use of appropriate sedation, analgesia, and anesthesia

  ⇒ establishment of humane endpoints

  ⇒  provision of adequate veterinary care

  ⇒  provision of appropriate animal transportation and husbandry

  ⇒  directed and performed by qualified persons

  ⇒  conduct of experimentation on living animals exclusively by and/or under the

  ⇒  close supervision of qualified and experienced personnel.




The Vivarium is responsible for routine animal care services, which include animal procurement, housing, provision of diets and water, daily observation of animals, reporting of abnormal conditions to the veterinary staff, carcass disposal, sanitization of rooms, cages, racks, and other equipment.


The Vivarium also offers special services upon request. These include:

  ♦  Feeding non-standard diets

  ♦  Providing medication or treated liquids

  ♦  Setting up special cages (e.g., metabolism cages)

  ♦  Withholding food or water

  ♦  Specialized observations

  ♦  Pairing, weaning, sexing rodents

  ♦  Euthanasia of rodents



All personnel involved with the care and use of animals are adequately educated, trained, and/or qualified in basic principles of laboratory animal science to help ensure high-quality science and animal well-being.


LSIPEC provides opportunities and support for regular professional development and continuing education to ensure both that professional staff are knowledgeable about the latest practices and procedures and that laboratory animals receive high-quality care.


LSIPEC provides appropriate education and training to members of research teams-including principal investigators, study directors, research technicians, postdoctoral fellows, students, and visiting scientists to ensure that they have the necessary knowledge and expertise for the specific animal procedures proposed and the species used.



For pricing and availability, contact info@biophys.am with the details of your request.