UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences



The program of UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences within Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center was approved by ex-director general of UNESCO - Federico Mayor in 1997 and estimated as a regional education and research center serving to promote co-operation between scientists and to facilitate the exchange of information among researchers internationally. 


UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences was the first in Armenia to practice and develop the Western education model in preparing science leaders by integrating national and international research and educational potential instead of using the Soviet educational model. Later, a new model of PhD education for developing countries suggested by the Chair was accepted in a number of international meetings. Currently, the Chair coordinates UNESCO/UNITWIN Network on Postgraduate Education in Biophysics and Environmental Health and the educational program is based on this model. 


Prof.Sinerik Ayrapetyan has been coordinating the Chair since its establishment. During the period of its activity the Chair has made research collaborations with a number of leading Universities (in Israel, Germany, Japan, USA, UK, India, Turkey, FSU countries, Egypt etc.) and international organizations and developed friendly ties with them, thus, improving relationship with the countries having different religions and social systems.


The research of the Chair includes studies in biophysics, neuroscience, environmental science, biotechnology and is focused on developing new methods for promotion of agribiotechnology and public health. Former PhD students affiliated to the Chair have won different international prizes and grants and develop successful professional activity in research, education and social fields worldwide.


The Chair offers methodological and theoretical trainings, seminars, etc.

The target groups are graduate, postgraduate male (~30-35%) and female (~65-70%) students and young researchers.

The Chair has organized a number of international conferences /workshop/meetings (see here). During each conference/workshop/meeting short training courses have been provided to postgraduate students and young researchers.

The geographical coverage of short term trainings extends from European, Asian/Pacific, African to North and Latin American countries.