About us


"Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center would be developed as a regional education and research center serving to promote co-operation between scientists and to facilitate the exchange of information among researchers internationally".

Federico Mayor
Ex-Director General of UNESCO


"I believe that it will be an international body through which we'll realize the revival of the research collaboration of the sciences in FSU. This Center is being organized at the turn of century, when it becomes difficult for separate countries of regions to solve their problems and go forth in the development of their community.

Platon Kostyuk 
Former Honorary President of LSIPEC




In 1996 the Biophysics Center of Armenian NAS was awarded the status of UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences by UNESCO Director General Mr. Federico Mayor and was reorganized into Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center (LSIPEC). LSIPEC is specialized in Biophysics, Biotechnology, Environmental Health, Neuroscience, Biomedical Engineering. 

The Center is organized at the turn of the century for serving not only as an international educational and research center for promotion of Life Sciences in regional countries but also as a peace generation center for developing friendly ties between peoples of different countries and religions.

The purpose of the Center is to promote cooperative research, advanced training and exchange of information in neurosciences, biophysics, environmental sciences, biotechnology and biomedical engineering in Armenia and worldwide to facilitate the collaboration between high-level, internationally recognized researchers and the local scientific community.
In collaboration with different international organizations UNESCO Chair organizes regular international UNESCO seminars on actual problems of Life Sciences with participation of leading scientists from different countries. A number of international organizations, such as UNESCO, World Health Organization (WHO), US Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF), European Office of Aerospace Research and Development (EOARD), The Office of Naval Research Global (ONRG), Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and others have also supported different programs of the Center. 

The Center achieves its mission by providing short-term training courses (seminars & workshops) and long-term PhD courses in different aspects of Life Sciences preparing science
leaders of the 21st century.

UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center has agreements with UNESCO Office and Stony Brooke University, NY on staff and student exchange.
In 2017 UNESCO approved the creation of “UNESCO/UNITWIN Interregional Network on PhD Education and Research in Biophysics, Biotechnology and Environmental Health” initiated by UNESCO Chair at Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center.

The Network is organized in partnership with:

  • UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center (Armenia, Yerevan)*
  • National Polytechnic University of Armenia (Armenia, Yerevan)
  • Union of Advanced Technology Enterprises (Armenia, Yerevan)
  • Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia, Moscow)
  • Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology (Ukraine, Kiev)
  • UNESCO Chair– Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine of NAS of Ukraine (Ukraine, Kharkov)  
  • Ivan Beritashvili Center of Experimental Biomedicine (Georgia, Tbilisi)  
  • UNESCO Chair on Interdisciplinary Research in Diabets – University of Tehran (Iran, Tehran)
  • Mashhad University of Medical Sciences (Iran, Mashhad)
  • Maragheh University (Iran, Maragheh)
  • Istanbul Medeniyet University (Turkey, Istanbul)
  • Jamia Hamdard University (India, Delhi)
  • BLDE SHRI B M Patil Medical College Hospital & Research Center (India, Karnataka)
  • University of Southampton (UK, Southampton)
  • Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany (USA, Albany)


*Collaboration with Stony Brook University (USA)


The Network provides PhD program, which is partially borrowed from the PhD educational program of Institute for Health and the Environment of University at Albany (USA) and Graduate School of Biological Sciences at Southampton University (UK). The courses are conducted in English. Theoretical courses (core and supporting) will be conducted by a team of leading lecturers from international universities. PhD students will have the opportunity to conduct a part of their dissertation in laboratories of partner universities.



For additional information please contact:
31 Acharyan St., 0040, Yerevan, Armenia
Phone/Fax: (374 10) 62 41 70
E-mail: info@biophys.am, life@biophys.am