About the Network

At present, developing countries face common biotechnological and environmental health problems that can only be solved through joining efforts aimed at improving research and education in biophysics, which would mean a significant step towards sustainable development of the countries. Thus, the NETWORK has created PhD education and research capacity building in Biophysics, Biotechnology and Environmental Health on the basis of inter-university cooperation and networking to enhance institutional capacities through knowledge sharing and collaborative work. It makes possible to integrate national potential with the international one and prepare science leaders in the mentioned research fields according to social, economic demands of home countries of participant institutions. As the NETWORK involves institutions from the countries located in geographical regions with ethnic conflicts and gender problems, this is a step towards solving these problems and serves as a powerful tool for BUILDING PEACE. 



Thus, In 2017 UNESCO approved the creation of “UNESCO/UNITWIN Interregional Network on PhD Education and Research in Biophysics, Biotechnology and Environmental Health” initiated by UNESCO Chair at Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center. The launch of the NETWORK was marked with the Inaugural Workshop of the Network which took place in Armenia, Garni during August 6-8, 2018. 


The Network is organized in partnership with:


*Collaboration with Stony Brook University (USA)


The Network has a three-fold focus as it appears in the graph: 





1. Postgraduate teaching programme

2. Short-term training    

3. Research    

4. Visiting professorships    

5. Exchange of PhD students and young researchers

6. Short-term fellowships to universities, laboratories not involved in the network



• PhD Students  

• Young Researchers


The Network provides PhD program, which is partially borrowed from the PhD educational program of Institute for Health and the Environment of University at Albany (USA) and Graduate School of Biological Sciences at Southampton University (UK). The courses are conducted in English. Theoretical courses (core and supporting) are conducted by a team of leading lecturers from international universities. PhD students have the opportunity to conduct a part of their dissertation in laboratories of partner universities.


The detailed PhD program of the NETWORK can be found here.

The information on fees and funding can be found here 

The requirements on addmission and online application form can be found here