Dear colleagues and friends,
On behalf of Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center it is my privilege to welcome everyone to the World of Modern Life Sciences and invite early stage career researchers to become a PhD student of UNESCO/UNITWIN Interregional NETWORK in Biophysics, Biotechnology and Environmental Health, which is established in our Center by the decision of UNESCO’s General Director - Ms Audrey Azoulay.
The aim of this Network is to prepare science leaders by integration of national research and education potential with the international one. This is an exceptional opportunity for the students to broaden their knowledge by online theoretical lectures conducted by leading scientists from different countries and choose in which 11 partner universities they would like to perform the experimental part of their PhD dissertation.
As a result, collaborative efforts among world-renowned faculties and researchers are generating national and international interest and attention. We offer our students a research-enriched education that is complemented by applied, clinical and work-integrated learning opportunities. All of us at LSIPEC hold in high respect the vision for new challenges, opportunities and horizons for promotion of Life Sciences.
I invite you to explore what our Center has to offer you through our website and discover what sets us apart from other similar institutions. You will see what the Center has achieved so far and get acquainted with the upcoming projects.
Prof. Sinerik Ayrapetyan
Coordinator of UNESCO/UNITWIN Network
Head of UNESCO Chair in Life Sciences
Prof. Grygori Rychkov is an Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide, Australia.
The theme of his PhD thesis was "The Effect of Water Fluxes on Ionic Channels in Neuronal Membrane"
Dr. Alla Shainskaya is the Head of the Biological MS Lab, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
The theme of her PhD dissertation was "The effect of ionizing radiation on transmembrane ionic mechanism"
Prof. Victor Arvanian is a Research Professor and Project Director at Northport VAMC and Department of Neurobiology & Behavior, Stonybrook University, USA, NY.
The theme of this doctoral work was "Mutual regulation of electrogenic sodium pump systems and neuronal membrane chemo receptors”
Dr. Armine Danielyan is a Senior Lecturer at the Yerevan State Medical University, Armenia
The theme of her PhD dissertation was "The Magnetic Sensitivity of Cell Hydration in Cancer“
Dr. Arsen Hunanyan is a Senior Researcher at Duke University, Department of Pediatrics/Neurology, USA.
The theme of his PhD dissertation was "The effect of the "poison" of locusts and the low-frequency electromagnetic field on the membranes of the nerve cell and on the contraction of the heart of the grape snail"
Dr. Irina Bakunts is the Head of Department of Reanimation at Nork Marash Medical Center, Armenia
The theme of her PhD dissertation was "Membrane mechanisms of ketamine anesthesia”
Dr. Danik Martirosyan is the President of the Functional Food Center/Functional Food Institute, Founder of the Academic Society for Functional Foods and Bioactive Compounds, USA.
The theme of his PhD dissertation was “Membrane mechanism of the effect of phospholipase A2”
Dr. Naira Baghdasaryan is the Head of Isotope Laboratory at Life Sciences International Postgraduate Educational Center, Armenia
The theme of her PhD Dissertation was “Water as a Target in the Biological Impact of Physical Factors of a Non-Ionizing Nature”
Prof. Anatoly Dvoretsky is a Professor at Dnepropetrovsk Agrarian University, Ukraine.
The theme of his PhD dissertation was "Systems of transmembrane ion transfer under the influence of ionizing radiation on the animal organism"
Dr. Erna Dadasyan is a Lab Supervisor at Genesis Diagnostics, Greater Philadelphia Area, USA
The theme of her PhD dissertation was “4Hz mechanical vibration-induced effect on heart muscle contractility"
Applications for 2021 are now open
Continuing professional development